Oglethorpe FacultY

Brian Patterson

Brian Patterson

Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Division 9 Chair
Computer Science Program Coordinator
Phone: 404-504-1322
Office: Lupton 313

B.A., Carleton College
M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State University

Teaching & Research Interests: 
Current areas are centered on pedagogy of computer science education. Past areas include machine learning, theory of real-valued computation, and abstract biological computation, artificial intelligence, computation & complexity, graph theory, machine learning, probability, and statistics.


  • B. Patterson, C.R. McBride, and J.L. Gieger (2018). Flipping Your Mathematics Classroom Without Videos. Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies (PRIMUS), 18(8), 742-753.
  • B. Patterson and J.L. Gieger (2014). A Short College Course in the Spirit of the CS Principles Project. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Southeastern Conference, Charleston, SC, November 7-8, 2014.
  • J.I. Lathrop, J.H. Lutz, and B. Patterson (2011). Multi-Resolution Cellular Automata for Real Computation. Proceedings of the
    Computability in Europe Conference (CiE), Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • B. Patterson and D. Margaritis (2005). Essential Hidden Variables: An Introduction. Proceedings of The Second Indian
    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI), Pune, India. Presentations and Other Informal Activities
  • J.L. Gieger, B. Patterson, and C.R. McBride (2015). The Impact of a Flipped Learning Environment on Student Attitudes and Achievement in a Liberal Arts Mathematics Course. Proceedings of the Joint Mathematics Meeting (JMM), San Antonio, TX, January 10-13, 2015.
  • B. Patterson and W. Doane (2014). Toolmaker or Scientist? Birds of a Feather session leader, SIGCSE 2014, Atlanta, GA.
  • B. Patterson (2013). Response to Against Indifference: Popper’s Assumption of Distribution Preference by Brett Mullins,
    Georgia State University. Invited Response. Georgia Philosophical Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
  • B. Patterson (2014). Computational Graph Theory. Invited Talk to Southern Polytechnic State University (SPSU) on October 23, 2014. Marietta, GA.

Courses Taught:

  • Introduction to Programming CSC 201
  • Introduction to Programming Lab CSC 201L
  • Data Structures CSC 202
  • Algorithms CSC 320
  • Computer Organization CSC 270
  • College Algebra
  • Precalculus MAT 125
  • Calculus I MAT 131
  • Calculus II MAT 132
  • Machine Learning
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