2017 Boar’s Head Ceremony

nescit cedere crestThe Annual Boar’s Head Ceremony, one of Oglethorpe’s largest campus traditions, will be held on Friday, December 1, 8:00-9:30 p.m. in the Conant Performing Arts Center.

Students may attend for free and tickets are available at the door on a first-come, first-served basis. Please bring your Petrel Pass with you to the Conant box office one hour before the event to claim your seat. As a premier campus event, seats are limited.

The ceremony begins with a procession of the new members of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), in academic regalia, carrying a boar’s head on a litter. The procession is followed by a reading of the Boar’s Head story. The rest of the celebration consists of a reading by a faculty member chosen by members of ODK, and a concert featuring the University Singers and other performing arts groups.

At 9:30 p.m., join the OU Programming Board at a student reception.

Additionally, an Evening of Holiday Enchantment for Oglethorpe Alumni will be held prior to the ceremony, 5:30 – 8:00 PM in the Turner Lynch Campus Center.  for more information on this event.


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