Register now!: New Fall 2018 courses commemorate 100th anniversary of World War I

For the 100th Anniversary of World War I, Oglethorpe will offer a series of courses during the Fall 2018 semester dedicated to various topics concerning the war.

Fall 2018 New Courses:

ENG 104 Literature of World War I (S. Terry), T/Th 9:45-11:15

FRE 490 France, World War I and the Thibault Brothers (J. Lutz), M/W 4-5:30

HIS 290 The First World War: Causes, Courses, and Consequences (R. Bobroff), T/Th 11:30-1

COR 103 Music and Culture of WWI (TBA)

COR 101 SEC. 005 Narratives of the Self (M. Wild), M/W/F 10:30-11:30

For more information, visit OASIS, or email [email protected]


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