Academic Advising receives national recognition

nacadaThe Oglethorpe Academic Success team was invited to the National Academic Advising Association’s Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona where three members of the department presented advising proposals as part of informational sessions.

“The image we hoped we presented of Oglethorpe at this national conference is that although we are a small liberal arts university, we are on the forefront of innovative student-centered program design and implementation that other institutions both small and large can emulate, and similarly produce positive outcomes undergirding student success,” said Renè Alvarez, Director of Academic Success and Advising.

According to Alvarez, three Academic Success proposals were peer reviewed and accepted as session presentations at the conference. “Planting the Seeds for Academic Growth and Recovery,” from Associate Director of Academic Success Cecil Rose, was given an additional honor of being selected as an advising community sponsored event. The sponsored presentation noted, “its relevance to the advising community at large in terms of training and development, and its positive impact on student success.”

“This is significant given that thousands of proposals are submitted and roughly 5-10% are accepted,” Alvarez said. He estimated about 10,000 submissions were in consideration for the conference.

cecil rose
Cecil Rose

More than 200 people attended the community sponsored event, and about 100 were present for separate concurrent presentations by Senior Academic Advisor and Compass Program Coordinator Miriam Smith, who presented both “The Humanistic Advising Toolbox: Advising Students Registered with Accessibility Services,” and “Intervention Intersection: The Academic Advising and Residence Life Connection.”

In addition to the presentations, NACADA also requested permission to convert “Planting the Seeds” into a NACADA Pocket Guide Handbook and journal article for further distribution.

“We are doing good work and being recognized for it,” Alvarez said. “I am so proud of my staff for their hard work and dedication.”


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