Atlanta Preservation Center features Oglethorpe campus in historical sites celebration

Oglethorpe’s campus is once again featured in the the Atlanta Preservation Center’s annual

Phoenix Flies is a three-week, city-wide celebration of important sites in Atlanta’s history. Phoenix Flies 2020 includes more than 100 partners and 200 free events city-wide, including free tours of area landmarks.

Founded in 1979, the promotes the preservation of Atlanta’s architecturally, historically and culturally significant buildings, neighborhoods and landscapes through education and advocacy. Phoenix Flies was formed in 2003 to mark the 25th anniversary of the dramatic rescue of Atlanta’s Fox Theatre.

University Librarian Eli Arnold ’06 will host a guided tour of the Oglethorpe campus on Tuesday, March 12 at 2 p.m. The tour will include Lupton, Hearst, and Lowry Halls, which date back to 1915-1931. Held rain or shine, the tour will begin outside Lupton Hall on the academic quadrangle.

Other featured landmarks include The Atlanta Ballet, The Fox Theatre, The Governor’s Mansion, Little 5 Points, and more. All Phoenix Flies tours are free to the public, but some require registration. The tours run from March 7 – 29.


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