Construction underway for new music, counseling, office spaces

With student enrollment steadily increasing, several buildings on Oglethorpe’s campus are undergoing renovations to accommodate growth.

In 2020, Goodman Hall will be reverted back into a residence hall. Due to this change, the areas currently in Goodman—practice/lesson rooms for music, the Counseling Center, and University Communications offices—will be relocated to remodeled spaces in Lupton and Lowry Halls.

Lupton Hall Music Construction
Construction progress on the new music space in Lupton Hall

The music department will have four practice rooms, a large studio, a music lab, and a large common area on the lower level of Lupton Hall. Unlike the current space in Goodman, the new music space will be outfitted with noise reduction products. The construction of this space is moving rapidly and is projected to finish at the end of December, with spaces usable at the start of the spring semester.

The Counseling Center will be moving to the lower level of Lowry Hall, near the new digital media labs. The space will include a large waiting area, numerous counseling rooms, and a private entry accessible via the new ADA entrance, which will be moved to the back of Lowry. This build-out will be completed and the Counseling Center up and running when students return for the spring semester.

Construction progress on the new Counseling Center
Counseling Center construction in Lowry Hall

University Communications will be moving to the lower level of Lowry Hall, with room for student communications agency. During this renovation, a new conference / seminar room will be created on the lower level. This project is estimated to be completed in January.


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