Japanese Consulate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to host ‘”Walk in U.S., Talk on Japan” on campus

The Oglethorpe community is invited to “Walk in U.S., Talk on Japan,” an event sponsored by the Japanese Consulate in Atlanta and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on October 16, 2:00-3:30 p.m., in the OU Museum of Art. Hammack School of Business Dean Dennis Kelly will make opening remarks.

Walk in U.S., Talk on Japan logo banner

Learn more about Japan’s contribution to solving global issues, foreign policy and the Japanese economic situation—with a view to nurturing friendship between the people of Japan and the U.S.

Guest speakers will address international relations, finance, and sustainability. Speakers are:

Yasunori Nakayama

Yasunori Nakayama, Acting Director General of the Japan Institute of International Affairs

Akira Sakano

Makoto Kuroda, Senior Analyst at Credit Suisse Securities (Japan)

Akira Sakano, Chair of the Board of Directors, Zero Waste Academy, a not-for-profit based in Kamikatsu, the smallest town on Shikoku Island. Sakano is also Co-Founder and Communication Director of RDND LLC and World Economic Forum Global Shaper.

Tomohiko Taniguchi

The delegation leader is Dr. Tomohiko Taniguchi, Professor at Keio University Graduate School of System Design and Management, as well as a Special Adviser to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Cabinet. After 20 years with Nikkei Business, a weekly business magazine, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in 2005 as Deputy Press Secretary and Deputy Director General for Public Diplomacy.

Japanese food and refreshments will be provided!  For more information, please contact Dr. Steen, Professor of Japanese.


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