Disney College a magical experience for Oglethorpe senior

As most seniors return to campus for their final fall semester, Tucker Hammonds ’19 is going to Disney World!

A communications major, Hammonds is spending the next four months at “the most magical place on Earth,” studying and interning in the

Tucker Hammonds ’19 outside Disney University in Orlando, FL.

The highly competitive internship program gives undergraduates and recent grads the opportunity to live and work at one of the company’s theme parks, while earning college credit and developing essential career skills.

Students take classes similar to those at traditional universities—such as leadership 101, human resources, technical theatre, and communications—while getting on-the-job, hands-on experience at Disney World. Of course, interns earn a “Mouseters Degree” or “Ducktorate Degree.”

After ensuring the program would align with his Oglethorpe coursework—and with his parents’ encouragement, Hammonds applied and made it through the competitive application and interview process.

While at Disney College, he will complete an internship focused on Disney musicals for his Oglethorpe Theatre minor, and work as a Magic Kingdom greeter.

Through the program, Hammonds hopes to become a better writer and get a foot in the door with the Walt Disney Company, a place where he envisions himself after graduation.

“This program basically is my career goal,” said Hammonds. “There’s nothing I’d love more than to move to Orlando or California post-graduation to start a position with Disney full-time. I’m gaining great work experience that is not only good for my résumé, but just plain fun, too.”

Hammonds with Chewbacca


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