Dr. Jeffrey Collins to present at International Technology, Education and Development Conference

Dr. Jeffrey H. Collins
Dr. Jeffrey H. Collins

, senior lecturer in art history and anthropology, has been invited to present on the topic “Intentional Learning for Global Issues and Solutions” at the 11th annual  (INTED) in Valencia, Spain, March 6-8, 2017.

Dr. Collins’ presentation will demonstrate how Oglethorpe’s international course Global Issues is being used as a pilot to create an innovative concept of a Commons Research Area with a course based in student research.

INTED is one of the largest international education conferences for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational sector. More than 700 experts from 80 countries will gather to present their projects and share knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies, educational innovations and experiences in technology and development.

[contextly_sidebar id=”Rl6XyK1GrW3wKWbeMeU1AfF3dP0fN0uo”]Dr. Collins has led numerous study abroad programs at Oglethorpe, and mostly recently has served as faculty at Oglethorpe’s summer study abroad center.

Pictured above: Dr. Collins leads a discussion at the Parthenon in Greece during a short term OU study abroad trip.


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