Study abroad partnership expands across the pond
Since 2012, Oglethorpe has served as the academic partner of , approving academic faculty, syllabi, course pedagogy and materials for its multifaceted study abroad programs.
LeadAbroad programs attract a growing number of students from universities across the U.S., most of whom earn transferable Oglethorpe credit for the program.
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LeadAbroad now offers three types of study abroad programs: LEAD, GO, and DIRECT.
LEAD programs in Cape Town and Greece offer a holistic study abroad experience together with a focus on leadership, service and adventure. Students earn six credit hours in Leadership in Action and Global Citizenship and Civic Engagement from Oglethorpe.
GO programs in Rome, Barcelona and London are traditional study abroad programs with independent travel opportunities. Students take two classes for six credits from Oglethorpe in art, business, communications, humanities or language.
DIRECT programs in Cape Town and Greece offer curated travel experiences focusing on adventure, service opportunities and local culture, with no college credit.
Summer 2017 will be the first session of GO London. We caught up with , associate professor of communication and rhetoric studies, who will be teaching as part of the program, to hear why students should spend time in a classroom outside of Atlanta.
How long have you been an instructor in the GO program and what makes you want to teach abroad?
Dr. Shrikhande: I have been teaching in the GO programs since 2014, the year they started. I went on GO:Rome again in 2016 so this summer will be my third GO program.
What courses will you be teaching?
Dr. Shrikhande: Travel Writing and Intercultural Communication
 What makes London a great destination?
Dr. Shrikhande: London is a city that is rich in history and culture; it is a blend of old and new. Â There is so much to explore — Â buildings, museums, food, theater and summer is the perfect time to do that.
Name a couple of must-see sites or activities in or around London.
Dr. Shrikhande: Walking tours of different neighborhoods. A Thames tour.
Why is study abroad important? What do you want students to take out of it?
Dr. Shrikhande: It opens them to different  world views  and  ways of life. It help them realize the richness and diversity of the world and makes them better prepared to engage and live in a global community.
Where would you like to see the GO program expand?
Dr. Shrikhande: I think Paris would be a great location or looking further out — somewhere in Asia like Singapore would give students a whole different perspective on the world.