[contextly_sidebar id=”oZnhoVBDNLUgCipbmGeZLGkaMkq73fLk”]”Georgia’s business climate ranks third in the nation, according to a survey of U.S. corporate executives released Monday.
“The ‘Winning Strategies in Economic Development Marketing’ survey, conducted every three years by Development Counselors International (DCI), placed Georgia behind only Texas and Florida.
“‘The Winning Strategies survey provides insights into the minds of key decision-makers, from their perceptions on locations around the world to how they get the information that shapes those perceptions,’ DCI President Andrew T. Levine said. ‘As the competition for business expansions and talent intensifies, this information can be crucial to communities looking to set themselves apart from other locations.’
“Twenty percent of the respondents named Georgia the best state for business. The state also ranked No. 1 for having the best state economic development organization.”