
Humans of Oglethorpe: Grace Hallenbeck ’22

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Grace Hallenbeck, Sophomore

Major: Biopsychology
Minor: Sociology

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“Now being here isn’t so scary. I feel like I’m home.”


“My faith is a big part of my life and I was really scared about coming here because I didn鈥檛 know if I’d find my place in Atlanta.

Grace Hallenbeck A few things helped me find that. The first thing was joining the golf team here at Oglethorpe. The team truly feels like a family to me.

Another thing is Grace Midtown Church. A friend invited me one Sunday and ever since then it’s been the place I go to unwind.

These things really encourage me when I’ve had a rough day or I’m really stressed out.

Now being here isn’t so scary. I feel like I’m home.鈥

Humans of Oglethorpe was created by a student intern in University Communications at Oglethorpe. Inspired by Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton, this series will share personal stories and perspectives from across campus. Everyone has a story and everyone is human. Would you like to be involved in this series? Email Bailey Burns.


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