Humans of Oglethorpe: Keagan Stromberg ’21

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Keagan Stromberg, Junior

Major: Business Administration, Minor: Communications

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“Everyone here is really encouraging and supportive of all your hobbies.”


“I originally came to Oglethorpe for basketball, but I also knew it would be a good way to get myself out there with my music.

Keagan StrombergOutside of campus, I like to go into the city and find different places to shop, whether it be bookstores, consignment stores, or pop up shops. I also like to go to record stores and different festivals.

A lot of people have asked me to perform for events they have and that’s a big thing Oglethorpe has really helped me with, is performing. There have been a lot of opportunities to perform on campus, like Night of the Arts, Backyard Bash, and the Mrs. Black and Gold Pageant. Everyone here is really encouraging and supportive of all your hobbies.

I’ve really learned to get comfortable with a crowd here. I also post music on social media, it’s good for me because it helps me market my music. If I wasn’t an artist, I don’t think I would post nearly as much because social media can be very encumbering.

There are so many people here with different backgrounds and they support all that you do.”

Humans of Oglethorpe was created by a student intern in University Communications at Oglethorpe. Inspired by Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton, this series will share personal stories and perspectives from across campus. Everyone has a story and everyone is human. Would you like to be involved in this series? Email Bailey Burns.


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