The King Center’s ‘Beloved Community Talks’ features Sen. Elizabeth Warren, OU’s Dr. Kendra King Momon

Dr. Kendra A. King Momon, professor of politics and director of the Rich Foundation Urban Leadership Program, moderated The King Center’s Ìýevent on August 28, “Women…the Soul of a Nation”.

Beloved Community Talks convene influential women with diverse voices around bridging the racial divide. The King Center, an organization in Atlanta founded by Coretta Scott King, welcomed special guests:ÌýSenator Elizabeth Warren, social activist Tamika Mallory, faith leader and FOX News contributor Dr. Alveda King, clinical psychologistÌýDr. Gloria Morrow, andÌýGOP Committeewoman Ginger Howard.ÌýKing Center CEO Dr. Bernice A. King andÌýDr. Kendra King MomonÌýmoderated.

The event marked the 54th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and of Dr. Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.


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