Oglethorpe ranked among Best Colleges in Georgia for Business Majors

Career website  has released its  and ranked Oglethorpe among the top five institutions in the state.

“(We) decided to take a look at the data on the 40 institutions of higher learning in the Peach State to determine which programs offer the best career opportunities for business majors,” explained Zippia in its rankings summary. “It’s hard to argue with a selective school that features business and produces strong earning potential for your career.”

Zippia used data from the (National Center For Education Statistics) and data from ED.gov to evaluate which business departments offer the best career opportunities. The factors considered were:

Career Results: Mean earnings after 6 years; Mean earnings after 10 years; Ratio of people working to not working after 10 years

Business Emphasis: Percentage of graduating class that are business majors (larger the better)

School Performance: Admissions rate (More selective the better); Graduation rate; Average cost of attendance (lower is better); Average amount of debt

Here’s Zippia’s full top 10 list of best Georgia colleges for business:[contextly_sidebar id=”qzYjEQFFbYxBGvSPacXTwtSousmUg9Js”]

  1. University Of Georgia
  2. Georgia State University
  3. Clayton State University
  4. Georgia Institute Of Technology-Main Campus
  5. ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV
  6. Emory University
  7. South University-Savannah
  8. University Of West Georgia
  9. Life University
  10. Georgia Southern University

Learn more about Oglethorpe’s .


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