Oglethorpe switches to virtual textbook provider starting summer 2019

ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV has partnered with eCampus to provide textbooks and course materials for purchase online starting with the Summer 2019 term and beyond. In May, we will say goodbye to the Follett company (who will facilitate return of rentals and buy-back for the end of this term) and all course materials from now on will be purchased online, not in the campus store.

ecampus.com logoWith eCampus, students can compare price points on new, used, or electronic texts and purchase or rent course materials. Shipping to campus is free.

For students who have secured enough financial aid to pay for books and supplies, that credit will be available in eCampus.

Just like our current company, representatives from eCampus will be onsite at the end of the semester to support return of rentals and book buy-backs.

You can view and purchase your course materials for Summer 2019 or Fall 2019 via this link:

As textbook sales will now be online, our Turner Lynch Campus Center Store will be enhanced this summer and re-open as a university-run supply store featuring apparel, gifts, supplies and convenience items. Kathleen Guy is the director of the campus store and she welcomes your ideas for Oglethorpe branded gear and supplies. Please e-mail her at [email protected].


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