Operation Christmas Child Donations this Week

Greetings from the Office of Alumni Relations!  Our team, in coordination with STAT (), is happy to be participating in for the third year in a row.

All week, we’ll be collecting items (acceptable items are listed below) that will be placed in shoe boxed sized gift boxes and sent to children across the globe.

The collection boxes are scattered around campus- including a box in Hearst Lobby and the bottom of the main stairwell in the TLCC.  If you’d like to drop items off at our office (Lupton 2nd Floor), that’d be great, too.  We are collecting items until noon this Friday, 11/10.  Thank you in advance for your assistance!  Well wishes for a great week.

ITEMS: Stuffed animals, books, crayons, slinky, jump rope, dolls, soap, comb, and children’s toys! (no tooth paste, food, or candy)


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