Phi Delta Epsilon’s Annual Anatomy Fashion Show met with success

Held over Family Weekend,‘s annual Anatomy Fashion Show was a massive success, raising over $1,000 for

Phi Delta Epsilon, the medical fraternity on campus, recruited Oglethorpe students to paint body systems such as the Reproductive System, the Skeletal System, and the Respiratory System on volunteer models from each Greek organization.  During the show, PDE members described to the audience the importance of each system.

“The fashion show was an amazing experience,” said América Liborio ’18, a member of , the honor and leadership society on campus. “I really enjoyed being part of something that will impact the lives of young kids.  I really appreciate Phi Delta Epsilon’s drive to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network and their willingness to allow the rest of the Oglethorpe community to participate in something so big.”

Oglethorpe’s improv troupe, Mouthing Off, provided intermission entertainment, imitating eggs and sperm trying to avoid “connecting.”

Prizes were awarded for Mrs. Body, Mr. Body, and Best Artist, going to Rebecca Spry ’18  (Omicron Delta Kappa), Dylan Harper ’19 (Alpha Phi Alpha), and Kinsey Evans ’20, respectively. Chi Omega won bragging rights as the Greek organization that raised the most for CHOA.


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