Student improv group Mouthing Off revived

Everyone needs comedy and a good laugh to wind down.

Mouthing Off's first practice of the fall semester

Sammi Rowell ’23 understood this when she decided to re-cultivate Oglethorpe’s improv troupe — especially after on-campus activities were limited last year due to COVID-19.

Previously, the group had presented on-campus comedy shows and was active off campus performing during events across Atlanta, including the Brookhaven Cherry Blossom Festival. Some members are practicing their theatre major or minor, while others simply enjoy improvisation.

“It’s one of the organizations that I have had the most consistent relationship with,” said Rowell. “It has always felt very close knit and an organization that people feel welcome in.”

Mouthing Off’s mission is to provide potential theatre and acting opportunities for all Oglethorpe students, while promoting philanthropic action through art.

While still following Oglethorpe’s health and safety protocols, the group is now up and running again — and ready to bring laughter to OU’s campus.

If you are interested in joining the organization or attending an upcoming show, visit Mouthing Off’s page or their . Meetings and practices are held every Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday morning from 9-11 a.m.


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