Did you know you can study abroad and earn academic credit while doing so—in many cases, paying little more than your expenses at OU?
A more detailed email will follow in the next few days about processes, deadlines, and finances, but a few fast facts to fuel your rainy day-dreams:
Deadline for round 1 applications: Monday Oct. 2
Applications available at: OU Applications for Study Abroad (applications are not a final commitment, so get your foot in the door!)
Study Abroad Spring semester 2018:
OU Partner Schools
Benefits: finances easy, same as your regular OU arrangement
Costs: limited number of schools
Non-Partner Schools
Benefits: lots of options (the world – if accredited – is your oyster)
Costs: OU-specific scholarships don’t apply; State & Federal, loans etc.
There are Scholarships out there! For Pell eligible students, a great resource is the  (NOTE: application deadline for Spring 2018 is October 3, which is also the deadline for Summer 2018 early app)
It’s never too early to start planning for Summer 2018. In addition to excellent options with OU Partner and non-partner programs, OU partners with LeadAbroad to offer a variety of programs in  and inÂ
Stay tuned for information on short term OU Faculty lead trips!
International Studies, French, Spanish majors: let’s talk!
All this info can be found at the Center for Global Education’s webpage.
I and my colleague, Nancy Boyken, are happy to meet with you in person to explore possibilities and discuss options. You’re welcomed to drop by. Ms. Boyken’s located at the A_LAB’s front desk, I’m in the back. However, since I flit about between classes and my other office, best to email me ( [email protected] ) to set up a time. Or if you see a guy on campus in a straw hat festooned with international flags toothpicks, that’s me. Feel free to stop me and introduce yourself.
Dr. Stephen B. Herschler
Interim Director, Center for Global Education, Atlanta Laboratory for Learning (A_LAB)
Associate Professor of Politics