Video: HR major launches careers for peers and self

Caroline Chamberlain ’19 and Victoria Lindbergh ’18 worked side-by-side as interns at Oglethorpe’s student communications agency last semester.

This fall, through her internship at , Chamberlain recruited Lindbergh, a recent grad, helping her to land a job at Atlanta design firm Yellow Bungalow.

A senior Human Resource Management major, Chamberlain has interned with Hive since summer 2018. She’s able to work both in the firm’s shared office environment, as well as on her own schedule from Oglethorpe’s campus. As part of her position, Chamberlain helps with creative HR solutions and staffing.[contextly_sidebar id=”V7F5P082BaTNQDhjL03HS0Glc7QgZvgF”]

“At my internship, I actually have a curriculum…I’m learning the business development side and the recruiting side,” Chamberlain explains. “My favorite part is the real-world experience I’m getting and that I feel like an employee.”

While helping her peers land jobs, Chamberlain has also managed to do the same for herself. She has been offered a full-time position with the company after graduation.


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