Video: What’s it like to live in Jobe Hansen?

Meeting your roommates for the first time can be nerve-wracking, but it was more serendipitous for freshman Amanda Howie and two of her suitemates.

While on a tour of their future Jobe residence during MAP Day, Amanda happened to end up on the same walk-through as two of her roomies whom she had not yet met. Since the chance first meeting in summer 2018, Amanda and her roommates have moved in, started a weekly game night, and become fast friends.

Opened in fall 2007, Jobe and Hansen halls house approximately 150 students and features a traditional granite façade, matching Oglethorpe’s unique Collegiate Gothic style.

Each suite includes four private bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and kitchen area. Common facilities include laundry, a catering kitchen, and game room. Jobe and Hansen Halls are reserved for upperclassmen, although some freshmen may live on the first floor.

All common rooms feature a kitchenette area, dining room table with chairs, a coffee table, couch and chair. All individual rooms feature beds, desks and closet space for each resident. The rooms have tile flooring, installed lighting fixtures and blinds.


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