
Leah R. Zinner

Leah R. Zinner

Education:B.A., Emory UniversityM.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison Teaching & Research Interests: Prejudice and intergroup relations, emotion and emotion regulation, social […]

Justin C. Wise

Justin C. Wise

Education:B.S., Southwest Texas State UniversityM.S., The University of Texas at San AntonioPh.D., Georgia State University Teaching & Research Interests: Cognitive and

Lisa Hayes

Lisa J. Hayes

Education:B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan Teaching & Research Interests: Stress, depression, and coping styles; mental health problems and the family

Karen Schmeichel

Karen L. Schmeichel

Education:B.A., Middlebury CollegePh.D., University of Utah Teaching & Research Interests: Cellular and molecular biology, genetics, developmental biology, breast cancer research. Awards:

Michael Rulison

Michael K. Rulison

Education:B.S., University of IllinoisM.S., Ph.D., The University of Georgia Teaching & Research Interests: High-energy particle physics, quantum mechanical spin, modern cosmology

Mariel Meier

Mariel Meier

Education:B.A., Smith CollegePh.D., University of Colorado Dr. Meier received her physics B.A. from Smith College in 2006, with a minor

Faculty placeholder photo showing a silhouette of Lupton Hall.

Gregory Gabriel

Education:B.S., New York UniversityPh.D., University of Texas at Austin Dr. Gabriel’s website

Roarke E. Donnelly

Education:B.A., Lawrence UniversityM.S., Utah State UniversityPh.D., University of Washington Dr. Donnelly’s Website

Charles Baube, Ph.D.

Charles L. Baube

Education:B.A., Alfred UniversityM.A., Ph.D., Indiana University Teaching & Research Interests: Animal behavior, evolutionary biology, visual ecology, consulting to community lake and

Lea Alford

Lea Marie Alford

Education:B.A., University of ChicagoPh.D., Boston College Honors and Awards:2022 Lu Thomasson Garrett ’52 Award for Meritorious Teaching2009 Fellowship in Research

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