Makaela Williams
ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV Student Ambassador
±á´Ç³¾±ð³Ù´Ç·É²Ô:ÌýMemphis, TN
²Ñ²¹Âá´Ç°ù:ÌýPhilosophy ’26
What do you look forward to about being an ambassador?: “I look forward to meeting new people and making connections with them. I also enjoy talking about my experiences here at Oglethorpe!â€
Campus Involvement:
Committee Chair for the Programming BoardÂ
Favorite Spot on Campus: “The TLCC.”
Favorite Off-Campus Spot or Activity: “Lynwood Park.â€
What advice do you have for prospective students?:
“Oglethorpe has a lot of resources so make sure you’re using them and if you aren’t sure about something just ask, people love to help out around here. Don’t forget to be yourself!â€